
Saturday, 18 January 2014

A Wardrobe for any ocassion

How many times have you started dismally into your closet, wishing you had that one magical item of clothing that is perfect for your special date, or big job interview, but instead, find yourself with absolutely nothing to wear!?

I know I've struggled through this situation on many an occasion, and most of the time, I would end up walking out of the house dissatisfied with my attire, feeling second rate, because I had to make a last minute decision between two tops that I wasn't particularly fond off to begin with. I know most, if not all, women can agree that they have spent hours on end standing in front of the mirror, trying on outfit after outfit, and not finding anything to wear ... it seems to be a right of passage, or something along those lines, towards finding the perfect outfit that will carry you through the day or night and rack in the compliments!

But, what if I told you that there was no need to spend hours stressing over what to wear, that you didn't need to go shopping every single time an event popped up on your busy calendar (although I'm sure you'd love to if you had the time ... and the money)? I bet you'd be falling at my feet begging for my secret answer to all your prayers.

I can tell you know that there is no secret ... All you need is a comprehensive wardrobe that will carry you though any situation and leaving you looking fabulous, even if you can't find that perfect dress that you really wanted to wear!

Whilst the list below will allow you to rest assured that you will have something in your wardrobe to wear for any occasion which may present itself, I am in no way telling you that these are the only clothes you should ever buy ... Lets face it, how dull would your wardrobe feel if you weren't allowed to add fun pieces, splurge a little and add an impulse buy in every mow and then!?
Instead, I am providing you with a list of staple, investment pieces which will "cover your ass" when you can't find that perfect job interview blouse, or cocktail party dress!

Staple items for every woman's wardrobe

1. The Little Black Dress
2. Skirts
3. Dark wash denim
4. Collared button down tops
5. White and black tops
6. A Blazer
7. A Coat

8. Black heels
9. Boots
10. Flats
11. Embellished shoes

The extras
12. A chain clutch
13. An over-sized bag
14. A simple chain necklace
15. Small jeweled earrings
16. Any to-die-for items couldn't live without!

Remember ladies this is just the backbone to your wardrobe and I definitely condone adding more vibrant and fancier items, like floral print jeans, or a gorgeous flowing maxi dress.

 Most importantly, remember to have fun with your wardrobe and to feel fabulous in what you wear!

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